CanQuote Insurance Quotations - CauseWay Insurance Services Online
Online Life Insurance Quotes for Canadians and their Busy Lifestyle 1-888-565-5315
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Canadian Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance quotes provide basic information for this traditional style of life insurance protection  We encourage anyone wanting a detailed quotation that illustrates more than premium costs, to contact us directly.  This product is extremely versatile in it's conceptual applications.  Whole life insurance quotes support a wide array of conceptual uses that include leveraging, estate and tax applications.  Our online quotation system will illustrate whole life insurance from across the Canadian marketplace, but consumers are advised to look beyond just price to other factors that can dramatically affect this product on a long term basis which in turn may affect their buying decision.

get quotes on whole life insurance from your home
Whole Life Insurance is typically used to provide a combination of protection and cash values. Premiums remain level. Whole Life insurance has a moderate level of complexity and you are encouraged to speak to a licensed professional in your quotation efforts. Call us toll free or email us.


Birth Date
Male Female
Ever used tobacco or related substances? Yes No
Cigarette  Cigar
Pipe  Snuff
Cigarello  Chew
Marijuana   Prescribed 
Policy Amount
Payment Frequency
Product Type
Health Risk
Email Address:*
* Required Entry

Please Note: Comparisons and quotes are intended for guidance and educational purposes only. E.&.O.E. CanQuote uses the WinQuote online Quotation Engine. WinQuoteTM is a trademark of CompuOffice Software Inc.

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